April 16, 2009

Shiny Spots(Georgetown, DC)

Sun is shining today and I had a wonderful meeting with Nature couple of hours ago. I took an hour and drove to my favorite spot, somewhere in Great Falls by the water, to grab a shot I had overlooked months ago but got notice of, perusing through archives. Nature doesn't waste time. I did and that shot was nowhere to be had no more. Postponed until...Ah! further notice... from Nature!!??
Sun was shining and I was in my favorite spot. Now it was just nice being there. And...Nature gave out something I took right away. Series! I smiled because now I found myself doing series. As for the finding, I could see it 'cause I had tried to extract something similar, but from a different part of Great Falls. Singles or maybe sketches they were at the time.

AllRightsReserved Copyright 2005-2009 Stephane Themeze Photographer

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