May 28, 2009

Traffic Lights

I spent some time on the road and in the Great Falls national parks today where I gathered additional shots to add to a series which first take was not rigorous enough.I was lucky enough to find a spot that gave me the same kind of matter even though the forms were richer the first time I saw the performance of Nature. In the process I even found some more exciting views aided by a high dose of sun.They now need to be processed.
In the meantime I felt like posting that one to remember that commuting doesn't have to be dull every time, that we can always find a plus in the ordinary.That's what photography is about, doesn't it?

AllRightsReserved Copyright 2005-2009 Stephane Themeze Photographer


Ilan said...

This is, without a doubt, one of the most original photos I've seen lately.
I'm just trying to imagine what could I photo in your place, and I must confess I won't be even close to a frame like this.

Stephane said...

First and foremost thank you for showing your appreciation in that warm and sincere manner.I was deeply touched.
Time passing by, experience building up( sitting on top of shoulders of giants), maturity of some sort and personal life conditions and circumstances that we are the one and only to be able to process and use to our greatest benefit ,in whichever endeavour we have chosen to express ourselves, will be a blossoming combination that will have you see things before they do happen(pre-visualization)and anticipate where and when to find them.I feel like being in that momentum.From striving to mentally motivate myself to SEEK OUT outstanding for my own sake, first and foremost.
Thank You.