May 20, 2009

Circles in Mind

Here it is. I had said in a week or so but a good friend told me that high posting frequency is important when blogging, so...I heard.Better find in a quest.Closer to a final if not to a finer realization of a visual.A construction site nearby. A drive by find explored when weather conditions were riped.A first full out search for visual pertinence to achieve a capture. The neighboring captures are different and give a different perspective.You'll witness it.Pipe shaped blocks of concrete lying on a grass waiting to be hauled and positioned for a, mysterious to me, use but a construction.I set out to have my share of it before you need a pass to access a soon to be vanished material buried in a more fashion way.
Sitting around the area I had in mind Edward Weston and Ansel Adams industrial photographic renditions of factories. I have to be honest about the cold feeling I had photographing the area. I was invested with the know how but acknowledged the dominant lack of humanity in the process.It is from the streets but no playground for kids to be allowed into.Maybe I'll bring one of mine to deepen the discovery, all dressed in white on a sunny day. That's a good thought.I'll check tomorrow.A promise.Another promise I make is the posting of a photograph of my elder in a tube that I do find fantastic, which will be a good continuation to this one. For now I'm about to read a bit of Ansel Adams commentaries about some of his realizations.I'll digress on that too.

AllRightsReserved Copyright 2005-2009 Stephane Themeze Photographer


Ilan said...

This is a superb frame!
I love the simplicity of it and how effective the result is.
I think maybe cropping the frame to a precise square might add another interesting "layer" of geometry.

Stephane said...

Thank You Ilan!
I have tried it with no real change of sensation, even though I felt compelled to do it when I first looked at it and worked it on photoshop.The funny thing is that almost wherever you'd place the circle, it seems that it will still be a good place and balance itself naturally.