March 22, 2009

Colored Rain (#!)

I feel that a gallery is bound to represent you, to take you on board if somehow they feel that your work can hold a distance, a space. If your work got some strength and stamina, and that magnetic quality, entice buyers. Series preferred. A specialization. A theme. I guess it helps building a multi-faceted relationship. A face for the gallery/artist bind, another for gallery/art-buyers bind through artists and the artist and his work/theme/subject. Could the latter lead one artist to be pidgeonholed or pidgeonhole himself to some kind of work? For assurance?
And what about just consistency in quality as a foundation ?
I want to pinpoint a strategy to get into gallery, so I'm pondering...Might be a good thing to go about asking gallery owners around what they look for. I'll try that and test their waters.

AllRightsReserved Copyright 2005-2009 Stephane Themeze Photographer

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