April 30, 2009

Rush No Spirit No Rush Spirit

The late (re)discovery(discovery for me) of great photographer Saul Leiter is refreshing as was the time spent perusing the works of gone photographer Edward Weston. It's not only the photographs but the man behind the photographs and its thought out act of photography. The careful and cautious frenziness and visual excitement, the perception and the search of a spirit in the photograph of a chosen subject.It didn't always translate in outstanding pictures but they would go back knowing then what to look for.
Following my previous rant about over producing is the confession of my own compulsive production and piles of unthought photographs that now find its way to the bin.Victim of the illusory and lush quality of color I clicked at will at photos that looked good for a minute and made me think I had something.Well, no rush but no.I had nothing worth or so little. Beware of the wide-angle trick and the lush colors, that's not all a good photograph is about. As for black & white, resorting to exquisite printing recipe just hide the weaknesses of the photograph sometimes.No rushing and searching for the spirit is worth.

AllRightsReserved Copyright 2005-2009 Stephane Themeze Photographer


Chris Chisu said...

Well...it goes perfectly with your commentary. Glad you opened your eyes.
Check out Cartier Bresson and Robert Doisneau.

lasiate said...

hurlement dans la nuit et dans ta tête