April 18, 2009

Intuitive Abstract Series Study

A quest it was not. Offering it was. Not commended, just a sudden opportunity to make a trip worth. I was out serving my need of photography, an urge to get something out of a photographic intent and not leaving the chosen premises empty handed was the motivation.(It can be so frustrating sometimes, not seeing properly what lies in front of you). Time flies and you see zip.
Not so long ago it was hard to relate to that kind of capture. My relationship to pure aesthetics being so new. About the place it has in my photography, its importance?
Evolution. An ode to photography as an art of seeing things, a spiritual journey to be fulfilled visually. It's more than an ability.It's what I do.I
t is my artistic awareness and a need to harmonize with a medium of choice.It's all good.

AllRightsReserved Copyright 2005-2009 Stephane Themeze Photographer

1 comment:

Francesco Gallarotti said...

A beautiful abstract! I particularly like the fact that you shot it in black and white.