A stand alone which could be worked as a series. The subject doesn't motivate me though. Stand alone it is. Some sensations are unique in their happening, left is the sought after expectations of feeling that thing again. So maybe I'll find another one someday. It's maybe that thing that gets people goin'round towns, cities chasing windows. I look up high sometimes just because nothing's happening street level, but it's rare. Only for beautiful clouds and a pure blue sky.
AllRightsReserved Copyright 2005-2009 Stephane Themeze Photographer
hello.. im deggac, from the blog "Sansclasser".. we are looking for "iluminated" people. Whatever, we fight against the ignorance that we see daily in TV and the stupidness... hehe.
Well, you can support us by following our blog, or simply comment (if you know how to speak spanish xD)
Why i comment this blog?: Because i found this blog interesting, artistic, and ignorance-free...
well.. good bye.. im waiting you answer
oh,,sorry.. about this picture, ive founded very interesting, i mean, in your perspective of what it means...
well.. i think that you know about this area, and i like to see what you see, but still thinking its nice ^_^
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